Jail time for any individual can be an upsetting and frustrating situation, especially if they are innocent. If you are arrested for a particular criminal case, you would need a lawyer to help fight your case and arrange for bail. Many criminal cases are difficult to defend since they involve many witnesses, money, and defense. This is why if you get arrested in a criminal case, the first thing to be done is to hire a criminal defense lawyer who will apply their strategy and trick to help you get bail and get released from jail. The best bail lawyers in delhi knows how to apply useful strategies to dismiss the charges.
- Double Jeopardy Tactics
The best criminal defense attorney will help to get your case dismissed after your arrest because of a lack of evidence or witness. Most accused individuals hire a lawyer who can best represent them while facing serious charges such as robbery and assault. A highly knowledgeable and experienced defense lawyer will help to fight your case in court and get you out of custody by applying for bail. Double Jeopardy defense is one effective strategy most criminal defense lawyers use to win a case. The double jeopardy technique protects the defendant from facing charges for the same accusation after a lawful conviction or acquittal. A good criminal defense lawyer will always help their clients get bail and debate in front of the court to protect the rights of the accused.
- Not Guilty strategy
A criminal defense lawyer uses several tactics to prove that the client is not guilty of a crime and that they should be released on bail. First, a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer will use their legal knowledge on behalf of their clients to help them get their bail. The not-guilty tactic is used so that lawyers can win their cases. For this, the lawyer will prove to the jury that the defendant has not committed the crime due to a lack of evidence to prove the charges.
- Presenting Useful Evidence
A criminal lawyer will showcase evidence like testimonies from police officers and witnesses to protect their client’s rights. They also make the client aware of the whole defense procedure and make them aware of the statement they must give the court, the type of arguments they should make and how to act before the jury. They can also appeal for a Transfer petition in the supreme court.
- Apply for bail
Anticipatory Bail from Supreme Court is a condition that is applied when there is a fear of arrest of an individual by police. If you are arrested and taken to the police station where the charges will be filed against you, you must take the help of a criminal lawyer to get bail, such as Bails Special Leave Petition. For a bailable offense, the accused person has to file form 45 application in 2nd schedule, which is filed with the help of a criminal lawyer in court. In case of court proceedings, the court will deem fit whether the bail should be approved or not.
The court can refuse bail to the person even in case of a bailable offense if the person fails to comply with the necessary conditions of the bail bond. A criminal defense lawyer can also appeal for anticipatory bail from supreme court. The court considers certain factors before rejecting or granting bail: the nature of the crime, the character of the accused, the accused’s financial condition, employment condition of the accused, history of convictions the accused has, etcetera.
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